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Valentine's Mailbox Contest

9 images 2 years ago4209 views
To my beloved Bella Bonecrusher, inspiration and example for so many women.
Bella, I have no words to describe how exciting your legacy is, you were an exemplary woman and marked Tibian history with your struggle, bravery and concern for your people. I confess that I have tried to follow in your footsteps, helping myself with my Tibiapedia and facing the adventures with which the Tibian territory surprises us every day. Sometimes it is difficult, but thanks to the friendship of great people that I have met traveling through Venore, Roshamuul, and other cities, it has become a little more bearable. Always following my heart and taking inspiration from you and the fight you gave to rid your city of evil and terrifying creatures. On this special day, due to the circumstances of life, I cannot give you a pink cake, roses or chocolates as I would like, but I can record in this letter the great admiration I feel for you.
I know that in the past we didn't see many women fighting against creatures in arduous battles, but today many of them record their exploits and achievements in TibiaGallery, they show us through photos and texts all that they are capable of doing and achieving. Thank you for inspiring new generations and filling us with pride.
I personally thank you for motivating me and giving me the courage not to fear in front of any kind of creature, to be able to fight and defend the people who are by my side with all my power.
We will always be grateful.
Wherever you are, receive our love and gratitude.